Thursday, February 27, 2020

Problem Solution Global Communications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Problem Solution Global Communications - Essay Example Global communications is one of the many aching companies within the telecommunications industry. Too much competition within the industry has lowered GC stock values by more than 50%. GC's senior leader team has developed a new strategic globalization plan to realize growth and profitability. The plan would introduce new services, making new alliances and implying cost cutting measures. Cutting cost would include laying off huge numbers of employees and hiring others from India and Ireland. The Technologies workers union has tried to work with GC to face its financial problems. They reduced 20% of employee's education and health benefits. They expected GC to keep all of its employees and try to improve things for them in the future. CG never involved the union towards formulating its new strategic plan. The union was shocked that they were never involved in suggesting alternatives. Laying off huge numbers of employees and using thousands of foreign employees will set a precedent for the whole industry. The union president decided to utilize all of its resources to stop GC's plan and help huge numbers of employees save their jobs. World wide competition within the telecommunication industry has lead to diminished returns. GC is under tremendous economic pressure as its stock has depreciated more than 50% in the last three years. The senior leader team of CG ... World wide competition within the telecommunication industry has lead to diminished returns. GC is under tremendous economic pressure as its stock has depreciated more than 50% in the last three years. The senior leader team of CG has put together a strategic plan to save the company and become a global corporation. They decided to cut costs by outsourcing small business technical centers to low cost more technical sophisticated centers in India and Ireland. They also decided to compete in local markets and step up towards globalization. The downside of their plan was the huge number of employees that would be laid off or relocated with salary cuts. They decided to soften the blow of their plan by explaining to the employees and the unions the challenges they face. They decided to bring career counselors to help laid off employees with their future jobs. They also decided to create a new set of values to reflect today's realities. They aimed at communicating their new plan in a way that would address the union and employees concerns. The workers union reduced 20% of employee's education and health benefits . The union accepted to give up these major benefits to enable GC to cope with its financial difficulties and survive in its competitive environment. The union hoped that by giving up such benefits, CG would retain its current body of employees and would make things better in the future. The union considers GC's new plan unethical as it manipulate around current contract conditions. GC excluded inputs from the union and employees while formulating its new plan. They gave all reasons for the union to reject their plan. The union president declared that he opposes CG's new strategic plan. He threatened to do all

Tuesday, February 11, 2020


GROUPS PROFESSIONAL IDENTITY, FUNCTION, AND ETHICS - Research Paper Example Most importantly, the identity, function, and ethical requirements in group work as a professional and Christian counselor will be given emphasis including Biblical value reviews in ministering small groups which explores God’s truth and how client needs can be met by participating in an intimate group setting. Keywords: group counseling, counseling, group therapy, Christian counselor Introduction Professional group counseling covers multi-faceted perspectives in the psyche life of different types of people. This is considered part of psychology â€Å"in action†. Although group counseling has the guidelines and parameters to follow as provided by a number of books on Group Counseling authored by experts on the fields like G. Corey , S. Venkates, Jacobs,, Corey and Callahan, the code of ethics from the American Counseling Association (ACA) and the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC), among others, that can guide group counselors or facilitators in t heir conduct of their group counseling, this field of group counseling, is still faced with a number of challenges and issues like multicultural diversity, ethical issues covering confidentiality and dual practice (group and individual counseling) , ACA vs AACC code of ethics, Christian vs secular counseling, etc. These challenges and issues must be addressed accordingly for the practice to proceed and develop in the way it should be. Perhaps, this overview of professional group counseling would provide some enlightenment on gray areas understudy. Thesis Statement This paper seeks to bring herein some evidence or facts regarding selected issues about group counseling like the misinformation and interchanging use of such concepts as guidance, counseling and therapy; the issue on having a secular and a Christian group counselor, â€Å"dual relationship† counseling practice, and how to select a group leader or counselor. These are some areas that this paper will present in the h ope that further enlightenment can be achieved or better conclusions can be derived for future academic research undertakings. An Overview of Group Professional Counseling Early Beginnings Joseph Pratt (1905, applied first formal therapeutic group experience), Alfred Adler (1922, pro-runner of group counseling), and Jacob Moreno (1922, pioneer for group and psycho therapy), Trigant Burrow (1935, psychoanalytic group analysis) and Kurt Lewin (1940, founder of theory based on Gestalt principle) were noted to be the first to use group counseling† (Berg,, 2002). During this stage of counseling field development, clients were seeking social interaction which was often found within groups. Several early counseling groups that you even see today developed through time. Jacobs described these groups based on their own group categories by functionality, as follows: â€Å"a)Education group – provides clients with various information; b) Discussion group– focus es on issues or topics and not on the members personal concern; c)Task group- that which needs to accomplish a task or task-oriented activity ; d) Growth and Experiential group is a group wherein a member wants to be in a group and is motivated to learn more about themselves in a group like T-groups; e) Counseling and Therapy group differs from the growth groups because members come to the group for certain problems; f) Support group- enables members to learn other people’